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BREAKING NEWS: Socialist President Obama Meets With Communist Labor Leaders!

Our Socialist President has his Communist Buddies to thank for his new term in office and here is more on that subject!

Will anyone question just why Barack Obama met with Richard Trumka and the Progressive Caucus? Why is it that he met with them first rather than meeting with the congressional delegation? We as a nation should ask these questions because behind closed doors many things can be said that have very dangerous impacts upon our national standings. Why did Obama decide to meet with these particular groups? First we must find out just what does Richard Trumka and the Progressive Caucus have to bring into any discussion with the President of the United States.
Richard Trumka, the head of most unions in the United States, was the man called to the White House to meet with President Obama to find out what he and the Progressive caucus think of the upcoming fiscal program created by an ineffective Congress. This man has close ties to socialistic ideology and it dates back to 1994.
Here is the first indication that this man has close ties to the Socialist Party which indicates a man that does not have the idea of the United States Constitution in mind. If you wish to dig into the history of the Union, you will find close ties and beginnings with a man named Karl Marx, the founder of Marxism. Karl Marx had the idea that big companies were killing the people, forcing them to work for small wages, and making huge profits on the backs of the workers. It was here where the ideology of Marxism was created and it was here where the unions got their start to make sure that the profits of the companies that the people worked for were, in part, given back to the people for their work. It seemed like a good idea, but the flaws were noted even by Karl Marx himself when he realized that the very idea of everyone getting paid the same did nothing for creating a respectable work environment. However, this still shows up with Richard Trumka and his ideology that is embedded with the Marxist/Socialist ideology.
“In 1995 Trumka was one-third of a troika elected to head the AFL-CIO. His running mates for election were Sweeney, head of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and Linda Chavez-Thompson, who had been Executive Vice President of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME). Calling themselves the “New Voice,” this threesome pledged to replace the policies of the moderate AFL-CIO leaders who had preceded them. Trumka would go on to serve as the AFL-CIO’s secretary-treasurer from 1995 to September 2009, second in command to its president, John Sweeney.”
As seen here, the “New Voice” has fallen into the realm of the Socialistic ideology and the changes made by the trio of people now guided the Unions in a way that made them become more of a political tool for Socialism then that of one representing the working people. It has to be noted here that now Sweeny is some sort of advisor in the White House, he gave up his position with the SEIU to become a top advisor for Obama. From these beginnings come the change in direction of the Unions that now seem to be part of high taxes and bigger Government. They have melded into a new organization that works hard to elect those that will help the very unions that place the politicians into office. Now here it begins to be shown why the Unions and the “Progressive Caucus” were the First ones to discuss the ever coming Fiscal Cliff everyone now sees on the evening news. Yet if Obama was so dead set upon working with the Congress, why did he see the Union and “Progressive Caucus” First? This is clearly explained below.
Now the reason for seeing the union boss and the “Progressive Caucus” first becomes crystal clear. They are working to set up a socialist Agenda and Congress is contacted just as a picture taking opportunity. Why would any President of the United States open up talks about the fiscal problems of the United States with these extreme left wing people? Could this mean that Obama has found a way to “control” the masses with the unions and the “Progressive Caucus”?
Now that we know that Richard Trumka is closely associated with the “Progressive Caucus” of Congress, let us now look at the ideology behind the “Progressive Caucus”. We will get back to Richard Trumka and his “weekly” visits to the White House. He has had more visits to the White House than most Congressional members!
Ms. Cheryl K. Chumley wrote an article on the “Progressive Caucus” in January of 2007 and what she wrote explains this group as a very extreme left group and that they are closely associated with the Socialist agenda. Ms. Chumley writes in her article Fringe-Left Democrats Wield New Influence
Summary: The Democrats’ capture of Congress gives unprecedented power to the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC)—the organized left wing of the party. Among its expected 70 members in the 110th Congress, at least seven are slated to chair powerful congressional committees and a dozen or more will head subcommittees. In 2005 the Caucus created a fundraising arm, the American Progressive Caucus Policy Foundation (APCPF), whose capacity to inflict long-term damage on American liberty should not be underestimated.
Here she gives a very brief idea of what this group really has as an agenda, and it does Not help the very Constitution of the United States! They are pushing ideas that will destroy our Constitution and the rights many men and women died for protecting through the years. Ms. Chumley goes on to say:
The congresswomen from the 9th and 6th districts of California put it best. “Progressives have forged new and powerful ways to join and influence the debate here in Washington,” said Barbara Lee. Lynn Woolsey observed, “We are in the midst of a progressive awakening in this country and I have never been more confident and optimistic about the future of progressive politics.” Representatives Lee and Woolsey are the co-chairmen of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Lee represents the cities of Berkeley and Oakland, while Woolsey represents Marin and Sonoma counties.”
This group now has some 75 known members that are proud to say they belong to the Socialist Democrat Party of the United States! This should be very disturbing in our nation mainly to the fact that our nation was never formed to accept Socialism; it fought wars to stop Socialism! Now we have members of Congress proudly stating they are members to a group that is dead set to destroy our very Constitution and replace it with the socialist ideology! The “Progressive Caucus” is nothing more than a shadow word for the Socialists that wish to ruin our nation and take it over under the umbrella of Socialism for their own benefit. One must wonder why would a nation based upon freedom and God given rights, which cannot and should not be derived from the government, allow this type of ideology be in the forefront of our political system? Have we failed the founders of the United States? We are a nation of many different people that came here in search of freedom to choose and live with the hope that we can achieve the many things we wish for our family including freedom of choice.
This Progressive Caucus, which should be called the Socialist Caucus, since their ideas fall directly in line with the Socialist form of thinking. It cannot be stated enough that the very word, “progressive” is a word that has been used to ensure that people do not get scared when they hear that rather than hearing the terrible word, socialist! It cannot be stated enough that the “progressive” is a term that is clearly representing the socialists of this nation and they do not harbor the idea that people do have the right to choose what they want. This is shown exclusively by the way the progressives have designed and forced the Obamacare law down the throats of the people, even when over 70 percent of the nation opposed it. The biggest leader in the House of Representatives at the time, Nancy Pelosi was in fact a member of the Socialist Party but got out in order to show she was not a member, but her ideas are still aligned in the socialist ideology.
We must now show just when this Progressive Caucus was developed and just who was the first individual to exclaim they were a member of this Anti-United States group! The individual that began the party that has a defined purpose of moving the United States towards a socialist state is none other than Bernie Sanders. Again, Chumley writes:
“The Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by self-described socialist Bernie Sanders, the mayor of Burlington, Vermont, who in 1990 was elected to the House of Representatives as an Independent. Sanders served eight terms in the House; in 2004 he won 69% of the vote against Democratic and Republican challengers. Last November, just before his election to the U.S. Senate, again as an Independent, the 65-year-old New York transplant was asked by a Washington Post reporter: “Are you now or have you ever been a socialist?”
Replied Sanders, “Yeah. I wouldn’t deny it. Not for one second. I’m a democratic socialist.”
Here it becomes clear that the Progressive Caucus is nothing more than a group of representatives in our Congress pushing their ideology of socialism upon the people of the United States! Many people do not know this nor do they really care. Most do not even know this type of “change” is being pushed, much less that our President himself is more aligned with the socialist group than the freedom loving people. Obama’s background is full of this kind of indoctrination from the well-known Communist, Frank Marshal Davis, who trained him for over 7 years in the ideology of Communism while he was growing up in Hawaii. When Obama went to Occidental College in California, he was an avid member of a group that stood before a huge picture of Karl Marx while trying to figure out just how to destroy the United States so they could “change” it into a more Socialist/Marxist nation! Read the entire article by Ms. Cheryl K Chumley and you will begin to wonder just how did “Freedom” loving United States citizens allow this group to develop and obtain high positions within the floors of power.
Now getting back to Richard Trumka and his background and why it was that Obama had these groups come to the White House first to discuss the upcoming fiscal cliff. One must question why Obama did not see fit to call members of Congress first since they are the ones whom vote on this type of problem? Did he call them last because he wanted to see what the socialists wanted? Did he call them first so he could find out how to set up a plan to go over the fiscal cliff? This was Obama’s idea itself that he wanted to cause the United States to fail and now he has the opportunity to do what he envisioned while he was at Occidental College.
Richard Trumka has so many friends in the defined Socialist ideology that it becomes scary when the names of his associates or friends are known. Discover The Networks is a site where people have dug into the backgrounds of a great number of people and linked them together with Socialists, Communist, Marxists, and other anti-freedom type of groups. They are noted as left wing and most are extreme left wing characters, since most on this site have backgrounds that are the most Anti-United States groups that one could find. Had these groups been around during the McCarthy era, they would have been brought up on charges of Anti-American activities and maybe impeached or kicked from their office. Yet now they almost have free reign over many of the committees that govern our nation.
An example of some of the people that are associated with Richard Trumka are as follows;
Some of these names should bring a very cold feeling into your body since they do not like the United States and they wish the United States would fail and rise from the failure as either a Socialist state or a Communist State: Names like Julian Bond, an important name among the people of the NAACP, Richard Cloward, a man that has stated several times that the United States is an evil place and needs to be “changed” to a more socialistic state, and Jesse Jackson, a name affiliated with racism. It should be mentioned here that Jesse Jackson, Jr. is a proud member of the Socialist Democrat Party as are some 75 other congressmen and women. Andrew Stern, the former President of the SEIU union until Obama asked him to join him in the White House, is another named socialist. We can never forget Van Jones who left the White House due to his very strong association and proud proclamation of being a full-fledged Communist. This man was a best friend of Obama.
Now, below is what has happened to allow the Communist Party drive into the unions without any problems. This action shown below has transformed the unions of the United States into a virtual Socialist/Communist factory of their ideology and allowed them to sit with and discuss their socialist and communist ideology with the President of the United States! This by itself should make many true United States citizens become very angry and object to any union since now they have been invaded by the very groups that our nation has fought against since they became powers of the world.
“Trumka, Sweeney and Chavez-Thompson also rescinded a founding AFL-CIO rule that banned Communist Party members and loyalists from leadership positions within the Federation and its unions. Instead, the “New Voice” triumvirate welcomed Communist Party delegates to positions of power in the Federation. And the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) declared itself “in complete accord” with the troika’s new AFL-CIO program. “The radical shift in both leadership and policy is a very positive, even historic change,” wrote CPUSA National Chairman Gus Hall in 1996 about the Trumka/Sweeney/Chavez-Thompson takeover.”
This is but a small part of what Obama has allowed to become policy and action in his administration. Should our nation become a socialist nation? Should our nation allow the socialists to maintain their positions in Congress where laws are made? Should our nation give up our freedomf for the sake of the socialist that wants to “change” our nation? Does the “forward” in Obama’s campaign mean “forward into the Socialist/Communist ideology?” Will Obama allow the United Nations to become the ruler of our nation when it comes to the question of gun ownership? These are but a few of the questions that the people of this nation must ask before this group goes even further. Ask these questions. Go after those who are known members of groups that oppose our Constitution. The article that Ms. Cheryl K. Chumley wrote has the list of socialist Congress members. Look at the list and if your congressman or Congresswoman is on this list, do all you can to get them removed from office in the next election, because as they grow, they become a greater threat to the Constitution and our nation!

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